27 February 2009

Ian Curtis

In the early hours of 18 May 1980, Curtis hanged himself in the kitchen of his house in Macclesfield, England. He had just viewed Werner Herzog's film Strozek and listened to Iggy Pop's The Idiot. At the time of his death, his health was failing as a result of the epilepsy and attempting to balance his musical ambitions with his failing marriage. His wife found his body the next morning.

Wilson later said, "I'd been warned on a train to London two weeks earlier by Annik [Honoré]. I asked her, 'What do you think of the new album.' She goes, 'I'm terrified.' I said, 'What are you terrified of?' She replies, 'Don't you understand? He means it.' And I go, 'No, he doesn't mean it - it's art.' And guess what? He fucking meant it."

So Yeah, i just got listening to some Joy Division. Everytime i listen to them, i have a new favorite song. right now, it's 'She's Lost Control'. good shit. But if you're unfamiliar with them, i would reccomend "Love Will Tear us Apart" and "Ceremony" (which was never released under Joy Division, but as New Order's First single, which was pretty much Joy Division minus Ian Curtis)

26 February 2009

current state of things...

so yeah, im no doctor, but i'm fairly certain that i might have mono again. i really hope not. last time i had that shit, i ended up in the hospital for two weeks. i've been uncharacteristically tired lately. the last two days, ive slept for upwards of about 15-16 hours a day. which is really cutting into my school shit. i have no idea. i mean, the weightloss is a plus, but the fucking chronic fatigue just isn't worth it. i feel so fucking drained right now, it bothers me. i should go to a doctor, but i probably wont, because i usually wait to the last second, only to discover that im nearing my deathbed. fuck. well, another long night tonight, work, then probably all nighter. i slept pretty much all day today, which means i'll be up all night tonight. lucky me.


damn. my job sucks. i get paid minimum wage to sit around for four hours and watch a fucking desk. it sucks. i have to deal with so many lame ass people, it's sad. but, on the plus side, my two bosses are not even here tonight, which means i can stay on my laptop all night. which means me wasting my time looking up stupid shit on the internets. oh, and king kong (the peter jackson one) is on tv right now, it's it is kind of annoying. blah. i only have like, 40 minutes left of work, 40 minutes that is going to go by super slowly.

24 February 2009

Blood Alone Moves the Wheels of History!

i hate

being in school right now. this shit is crazy. i have zero motivation to go to class, and on top of all that, i'm broke as shit. i don't even have any money to go and get something to eat. this sucks. not to mention the job that i do have, doesn't pay very well, and this summer, nobody is going to be hiring because the economy is a piece of trash right now. i wish obama would float some of that stimulus money my way. i'd vote for him next term, i swear.


yeah, i totally just slept through my first class today. man, my sleep schedule is so fucked up right now. i pretty much sleep all day, and stay up all night. which is a really bad habit in college.
i just got done watching Ghostbusters for like, the hundredth time this week. i'm not sure why, but everytime i watch it, i have a new favorite part. but my all-time favorite part is where rick moranis gets possed and talks to the horse:

Louis: I am the Keymaster! The Destructor will come, the Traveler! The Destroyer! Gatekeeper! (he approaches a horse on a wagon) I am Vince. Vince Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer, Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia. Are you the Gatekeeper?Wait for the sign, and our prisoners will be released. (runs off, yelling back to the coachman.) You will perish in flame! Soon as I find the Gatekeeper!

23 February 2009


being incredibly bored, as i ususally am, i decided to watch a movie. after ten minutes of deliberation, i decided on The Great Escape. long story short, this movie is good shit, and Steve McQueen is one bad ass dude.

i just finished playing bioshock. it was pretty badass must say. im really looking forward to the sequel.

get pumped.

i hope..

that somnus mighty god of sleep doesn't strike me down here in class. i have officially been awake for an entire 24-hour period. which sucks. im tired as shit. and i am in intro to geography, which i could fucking teach.

what in the fuck.

dude. i know it's late and all, but why does every annoying person in the whole building want to talk to me? here it is 5am and this guy just talked to me for almost an hour about damn World of Warcraft. jesus christ. well, the creepy ass newspaper guy is here. and he's forcing small talk with me about current events.... ...The freaks come out at night/early morning. well, i am going to watch a movie or some shit.

First Post...

Well, it's officially my first blog posting. it is 4.06am (central time). i am bored as shit at work. im going to use this to post shit on just about anything that i feel like.